I wept today when I read of Dave's going home. Partly in grief, partly in joy, as he is with his Lord forever which I'm sure he wanted, like us all. I had the privilege to hear Dave preach in New Zealand in the 1980's. I can't remember the exact year. It was around the release of Seduction. He was preaching in a small Church hall. Apart from the message, I was impressed that even though this was a small Church hall, he spoke as though it were to a packed arena. It didn't matter to him. What was important was that he preached the Word. He would always start with "It's a privilege to be here", I must say it was a privilege to have had Dave here. I also heard him preach on his many visits to New Zealand in later years. I know he is with his Lord, and that place is better than here, but I will miss him terribly. He seemed to wear out his body from traveling and so much speaking. He was a great man of God. We can grieve at his going home for a time, but he has left us with such a rich life ministry that we can still read and hear. Thank you Brother Dave for years of so much devotion and hard work in Christ. This world has lost one of Christ's great servants.