When the New Age Movement came out, nobody knew what it was. There were a lot of books out there telling how great it was but none explaining it in the light of Christianity. And then came Dave's book entitled, "Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust." That opened our eyes to what was going on in the world around us. I have seven of his books and didn't realize he had written so many more. I want to be sure and get those others, too. He had such insight and was not afraid to speak the truth. I love his website and have some of his videos and watch others on his Freebies site. When I became a Christian, I didn't have extra money for books, etc. I appreciate his website that has something for even the poor to learn from. It is so critical because a lot of the churches aren't speaking a clear message of what is going on around them. They are fearful of losing people. Dave loved enough to tell them the truth. It's hard to let someone go that brings that much to the table. We will miss him and know that he leaves a great legacy behind, that will continue to live beyond the grave. Sunset in one land is Sunrise in another. Chris and Family