He gave me my sister back and more | thebereancall.org

He gave me my sister back and more

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Florence, KY

I've been a Christian since I was 10 years, although I wasn't allowed to be baptized until after Dad left when I was 14. My youngest sister was 12 years younger than I was and listened to me some when I taught her about the Lord. But when I left home and she grew up and went to college she got in with the wrong crowd. I tried to witness to her, but she wouldn't listen. At the time, 1982 I got in with a church that eventually got into the Ecumenical/Contemplative/Emergent Church movement. I was deceived for a while. But then my sister read Dave and T.A.'s book, "Seduction of Christianity" and I saw a total 180 degree turn about. We became close again, like we were when we were growing up. Eventually I read the book and came out of that church. More recently Dave's book, "A Woman Rides the Beast," gave me the boldness to speak out against the lies of the Catholic church as I write Sunday School lessons for the small Sunday School I help teach in the senior apartment complex where I live. I will forever be grateful to Dave for what he has done for me and my sister. Thank you for obeying the Lord. In His service, Sandy
