My first encounter with Dave Hunt |

My first encounter with Dave Hunt

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San Clemente CA

I first met Dave Hunt at a conference that he spoke at a local Calvary Chapel near where I live in Southern California. Although I was a bit nervous and awkward, Dave made me feel like I was his friend and of special interest to him, even though there were others there of far greater importance and status than I. I was fortuntate enough to be invited with Dave and some others to go to Soup Plantation after the conference. I remember walking with Dave in line where he insisted on buying my dinner when we got to the check-out. When we all sat down, I remember asking Dave a very serious and tough question on wether he would speak out to warn someone about a problem that was evident in the way their particular minstry was going. I had said it in a way that I thought Dave would approve of stressing the warning portion. Dave just kind of paused and shook his head a little. When I continued and expressed my love for this person and not only my frustration at the compromise in communicating a confusing message, Dave's whole expression changed from doubt to a genuine softness and kindness. He said Oh Oh. I knew then he understood what I really meant. I realized that not only did Dave have a real abhorrence of evil and compromise of the truth but that he cared very deeply about speaking the truth in love to the person and not just the issue. As I think back on my short encounter with Dave I realize this is what Jesus would be like and that Dave represented his Lord well. Just this morning I turned at random and read the verse "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints" and thought about Dave. I then got the e-mail and saw it was the verse that was used on his memorial page. I thank the Lord for speaking to me about our friend and just how precious he is not only on earth but now in heaven. I look forward to seeing Dave again and I am so grateful for the Godly example he set for me and countless others. If I could sum things up in one word about Dave it would be just that. OTHERS. Sincerely, Kevin Walding Rally for Jesus
