Eye Opening Newsletters and Radio Show | thebereancall.org

Eye Opening Newsletters and Radio Show

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Dave Hunt's newsletters from June 2004 and July 2004 where both eye openers to me, and they both helped me to better understand the penalty for sin after T.A. McMahon had discussed it a bit in the May 2004 newsletter. This was later made even more clear to me after I heard Dave discuss it in a radio segment from December 2004 titled "How Could Jesus Suffer Eternal Death?" I began to see that Hebrews:2:9 had to be speaking of more than just physical death since the Bible also tells us Jesus' SOUL was made an offering for sin (Isaiah:53:10) when it was "poured out...unto death" (Isaiah:53:12). The Lord used Dave to show me that I had been missing the most significant suffering that Jesus endured on the cross - the spiritual suffering.
