A rescue from wrong doctrine | thebereancall.org

A rescue from wrong doctrine

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South Africa

It was in 1988 that I sent for the book written by Dave - The Seduction of Christianity - that opened my eyes to the truth and to the errors taught by the Faith movement I was in. The book was once mentioned in the church to be a book not to be read not to confuse us, and that was exactly what made me curious as I did not agree with many things it was happening in the church. After I read the book, it "happen" that here in South Africa they were broadcasting in a station called "Radio Pulpit" messages from Dr. John MacArthur who was saying the same as Dave in his book about the Charismatic movement. After all this, I couldn't remain in a church that was teaching non biblical doctrines and I left. I have learnt a lot with The Berean Call newsletters that I received faithfully by post and then by email. I will miss Dave, but at the same time I rejoice because he is in Glory in a perfect state. Like Psalms:116:15 says - "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His Saints"! I believe the LORD is coming soon and we will be with Dave again in Heaven. May the LORD comfort and strengthen Ruth for the loss of her beloved husband as she will miss him even though she knows where he is. My love to her. In Yahshua's name Lena
