Happy Birthday!!!! | thebereancall.org

Happy Birthday!!!!

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Riverview, Michigan

My wife and I were very blessed when Dave came to Calvary Church in Macomb, Michigan. The year was 2006, Dave's 80th birthday. My wife and I first met Dave outside of the gymnasium just before the speaking engagement began. Dave was very kind to us and when he heard my name, he asked if I was Italian(Dominic, imagine that!!!). I had Dave sign my Bible, it was the only book I brought with me. I told my wife that simply Dave brings glory to God through his ministry. Dave must have overheard as he also jotted down Jeremiah:9:24. " But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord, which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith the Lord". As my wife and I listened to Dave, he really delighted in glorifying the Lord in all he did. Shortly after becoming born in again in May of 1994, I was blessed with a man at my workplace who discipled me. As I look back, I can't say enough about discipleship after conversion. My coworker Mike recommended me to The Berean Call newsletter, and I have been blessed ever since reading, listening and watching material that directs me to God's word. Your ministry is a blessing, and being raised a Roman Catholic, the truth of God's word is even more magnified. I pray for Ruth and the rest of the family. We all know Dave is home. Dave will see Christ face to face, the living Word. I thank the Lord for using him and blessing my life.
