Gratitude beyond Words |

Gratitude beyond Words

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Colorado Springs

It's hard to express the depth of gratitude I feel for Dave's very loving exposure of the seductions and superficiality within Christianity and man's religions. My parents and I were more than blessed to have known him and to have spent several years in the same church in Southern California. He has left a profound legacy that will prove to be a blessing to millions worldwide as they continue to visit, read his many books and view his many DVDs. I have continued through the years to be so blessed through The Berean Call by this amazing man of God who had the tremendous courage to stand up against much disrespect and even contempt for simply exposing and telling the truth about what is false and what is true based on unadulterated in-depth study and accurate understanding of The Word of Truth. I was especially blessed by The Seduction of Christianity, The Cult Explosion, Death of a Guru, and What Love is This? He is to be honored, in my opinion, above and beyond any other biblical scholar of our day. It has been a true delight to make others aware of him, his books, and thebereancall and to share in the blessings they have received as a result. Ruth, I have always loved and admired you as well, and we pray God's continued strength and peace be especially evident and appreciated by you at this time of your very great loss.