Yes, I also rejoice that brother Dave is now with his Lord and Savior. I’d prayed for months that he’d be raptured among “…those alive…” If anyone deserved to be gathered directly Home while on earth it was Dave. He was never ashamed to declare the truth of the pre-Trib translation of Christ’s Bride. Now we know he will rise before those of us who will be alive at that moment. Like others I’ve been effectively instructed by Dave (and Tom’s) excellent corrective teaching. I am most thankful for the challenge to Calvinistic double-predestination in What Love Is This? as well as several works that urge Bereans to reject the errant psychologized gospel. My appreciation and understanding of Dave increased in recent years by reading his early book, Confessions of a Heretic. Soon we will meet him in glory! I pray the ministry continues to uphold the high standards he established from the beginning.