I am a new subscriber to TBC and am so sorry to hear of his passing on. My heartfelt condolences to all that were close to him. He will certainly be sadly missed and I mourn with you today. In the short time that I have been a subscriber I had begun to feel a strong rapport in spirit with him and was impressed not only with his courage and boldness in bringing out into the open the many many things that are slowly corroding the true faith in the one and only true God, but also his loving encouragement to all who truly seek to know and come closer to Him. Thank you, TBC, for your very enlightening account of his life and work. He touched millions of lives in his lifetime in a way that has made our lives better if only because he has brought us closer to the truth. What a remarkable legacy! He's gone to be with Christ now whom he served as well as he was able and I sure that our Lord has prepared a fine mansion in heaven for him.