Dear TBC staff and friends and loved ones of the Hunt family. We know that this life is very short indeed and only what's done for Christ will last. Dave has been a voice in our generation that will never be forgotten. In 1993 we started our marriage and soon after our beloved pastor resigned his position in the church. Another pastor took his place and began preaching strange teachings. Some of his teachings were based on Robert Schuller, psychology, Freud, Ghandi, need I say more? While shopping at a local Christian Bookstore we came across "The Seduction of Christianity". The Lord brought this wonderful book our way just in time. We did some research about Schuller at the local Library so we could gently try to persuade our new pastor about this man's false teachings. Well, sadly, this pastor did not want to hear the truth and stormed out of our house. We left this fellowship and found a small little Baptist church where the truth was loved and taught. Our new Pastor told us about the Berean Call Newsletters and signed us up to receive them. We have been getting them ever since and are so blessed by the TBC ministry. Dave will always be remembered with much love and respect. We are saddened at this loss, yet rejoicing because we know where he is. What a hope we have in knowing Christ and knowing we will see our loved ones again. What a day of rejoicing that will be, when we ALL see Jesus and sing and shout the Victory! Carry the torch! Lovingly, In Christ Jesus our Blessed Redeemer, The Strunk Family