My mentor |

My mentor

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Ontario, Canada

I grew up in a liberal Christian environment with little regard for the Bible and having never been encouraged to be a Berean. While drifting through life, I was given a series of audio tapes of Dave speaking his concerns of the Catholic church. This was the opening to a new passion and desire to pray for discernment and search out more materials offered through the Berean Call. I never had the privilege of a mentor, yet Dave fulfilled that role through his teaching, books, and audios. I now am often called upon locally to provide discernment on many different teachings making their way into the church and I feel very blessed to have resources and knowledge that Dave provided or opened the door to my mind to research further myself. Dave once refered to himself as "the most hated man in Christendom" which is probably true for those hiding behind blasphemous and occultic teachings, but for me he was the man I loved most and my beloved mentor that transformed my view of Scripture and brought me closer to our Saviour. I look forward to meeting Dave again in our Father's Kingdom. Craig Houghton Canada