I cannot recall my first contact with Dave nor the Bereans, but it was through an associate and the mails that I began digging deeper into God's Word. For this I have been continually thankful. I feel I have, since my 14th birthday (1957), believed God's Word was His revelation to me. I have found Dave's work to affirm to me I had chosen correctly; though the Lord was giving me this affirmation daily. I spent most of my formative years in a strong Catholic neighborhood here in Maine. Most of my friends attended the local Catholic Church and attended its schools. Many of them told me stories of fear and forbidden activities. When I invited them to my Church I was told they would be excommunicated if they even walked into the building. I never really understood that kind of thinking until I read A Woman Rides the Beast. (ca. 1998) There have been many changes in the RCC since the 1950s in an effort, I feel, to retain its members, but this book has shown me how these folks are lost in their papal traditions. I am so sorry for my friends, but they will not allow me to approach them directly concerning their lost state. Thanks to Dave Hunt and the Bereans I am well informed and wait on the Lord to use me in a small way.