The first time I heard Dave Hunt was from a conference DVD set I received as a gift. I was a new Christian, only a couple of years in the Lord, and he was teaching on islam. I was desperately trying to learn all could about the differences of the various religions and was stunned that someone was telling me the truth so candidly and backed it up with heavily researched evidence. I was floored at what I learned. It was like taking a semester on the religion of islam and its tenets in one hour. It was exactly what I needed. This led me to search out other amazing teachers to understand the biblical record historically, scientifically, but most of all relationally with our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. He helped me grow in Jesus by leaps and bounds. His faithfulness in the ministry God blessed him with has helped me to be a better Christian as of the type of the Bereans and I will greatly miss him down here on Earth. We desperately need God to raise up more men like him and ministries like The Berean Call in this world to be the salt and light God has called us to be. We have truly lost one of our most powerful Christian soldiers. May God bless us with more like Dave Hunt.