I messed up my life, to put it extremely lightly, by giving in to demonic oppression in my teens, once, and it resulted in divination. The Lord forgave and restored me, but in my twenties and thirties, I was suffering pretty badly from harassment and intimidation from the people in whose hands that divination landed. But try to tell the average church of those times what was going on, or what you were suffering! They were busy being sucked into the deception of Religious Right, considered Reagan a "virtual" brother in Christ, more than any suffering saints in America, anyway, and they were accepting the leadership of the Televangelists. Try to tell them that these things were going on, that they were dangerous and that you were suffering because you resisted them, and all they could say was that this was good, clean fun—they weren't interested in discerning a difference between the falsity of a horror movie and the reality of the spirits who inspired them, much less that the good, clean fun of the horror movie was itself very dangerous. I walked to the K-Mart near our home one day (I had stopped going to Christian bookstores very often, which sold lots of fluff, much of it harmful in my experience, and at very least, unhelpful and unworthy of the holiness and dignity of the supposed subject matter) and found Peace, Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust on a revolving wire rack placed in the store by a distributor of Christian books. At last I found someone who knew that this was not a joke, who seemed to believe what the Bible taught about it, and that it mattered! I will always be grateful to Dave Hunt for his stand against the occult, false teaching (again with the "seduction of Christianity", and with Calvinism, one of the first seductions at the hand of Augustine). I felt that he was an ally in my persecutions and my struggle to be Biblical, to hold fast to only the Bible as the light of God in the world.