I was privileged to hear Dave twice at Calvary Chapel Westminister, London on various issues such as prophecy, the threat of Islam, contending for the faith etc. His knowledge of scripture bore testimony to his dedication to academic excellence and thorough research. He always held your attention and it was difficult to nod off. One principle that Dave continuously emphasized was the fact that any christian had the ability with the aid of the Holy Spirit to study and understand the truths in scripture...no professional priest, rabbi or middle man was required for this task. He stressed that the Pastor was simply a servant of the gospel, and therefore had no grounds to feel superior and Lord it over others. One illustration that he used that had evryone nearly falling off their chairs was when he said that on his travels, most people insist on calling him "Doctor"...his normal response is to tell them that he is not even qualified to be a "Nurse"...this goes against the grain of the way some modern pastors draw attention to their many academic credentials as a way to demand a following. Personally, one legacy he has left is the need to daily study the scriptures in order both to grow and spot phoney doctrine. I pray that Ruth and the entire Hunt Family will be comforted at this time with the comfort that only God can give. May the good work begun by him and others through the Berean Call continue to communicate God's truth to the world. It gives great delight and hope to know that soon...we will meet again in Heaven. THAT IS THE BLESSED HOPE OF THE CHILD OF GOD. AMEN