The second time I heard Dave speak I had come under the influence of a ministry that promoted a date for the return of the Lord. The book by this ministry was so compelling that I was completely swept up in its premise that the Lord was returning in the year 2000. I respected Dave immensely having read several of his books and knew him to be thorough in his research on many topics. I went to a meeting at Lakeview Christian Church in Metarie, LA. where Dave was speaking that night. After he had finished his teaching for the night I approached Dave with the book in hand to show it to him and ask his opinion. My hope was to be able to show him how this book was really on target. He took one look at the title and said "Oh! He is a date setter." I wanted to give him a copy for him to read but he didn't take it. I could see on Dave's face that there was not too much enthusiasm in anything the book had to say. In fact he alluded to the possibility that it was gravely in error but very gracious not to offend me. I left feeling deflated because I wanted so much for Dave to consider the validity of this book and its author. I was not upset just disappointed that he did not give much credence to anyone who set dates. In the next few years I always kept Dave's reaction to the book and its title in the back of my mind that he could be right because I really respected his opinion, teaching and stand for the truth. As it turned out the year 2000 has come and gone and it's obvious the book was wrong not only on the date but on so many other levels. And this precious valiant man was right! Even before the year 2000 came the Lord was gracious and delivered me from the error of that ministry. My esteem and gratefulness for Dave's ministry has never abated. I look to The Berean Call for truth on various topics as it is one of the few ministries not afraid to expose the error afflicting the church. My heart is deeply saddened to know he has left us. Few can match his love for the truth. I feel a personal loss. His rewards are great. Thank you Lord for Dave Hunt, a man who hunted down the truth with unrelenting tenacity . Another bloodhound from heaven!