A Huge Influence | thebereancall.org

A Huge Influence

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I thank God for bringing Dave into my life right at the beginning of my Christian walk, 26 years ago. In fact it was while watching a video with Dave and others on it that God reached me with the all important truth which changed my life forever - "the Bible is the truth". And time and again God used Dave's ministry to teach me, or put words to thoughts, or confirm what the Lord had been leading me away from without me knowing exactly why. My daughter and I are so grateful for Dave's ministry. While we rejoice that he is safe with the Lord, his presence here will be sadly missed. Somehow, humanly speaking, on hearing of Dave's death the world just seemed to get a little bit less safe. We send our deepest sympathy to Dave's precious wife, Ruth, and family, and to all at The Berean Call. You remain in our prayers.