School Official Demands “Home School License”
When a family in Lenoir (Caldwell County) decided to withdraw their son from public school last month in order to teach him at home, an official at the middle school refused to remove him from the public school rolls until the mother first produced a “home school license.” This meant that the child would be considered truant by the public school while being taught in a homeschool setting.
After the parents contacted Home School Legal Defense Association for assistance, Senior Counsel Dewitt Black wrote the school official and advised her that the family was in full compliance with state law, having filed a notice of intent to operate a homeschool with the North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education. Black also informed the school official that there was no such thing as a “home school license” and, further, that there was no requirement under state law that parents operating a homeschool provide the school district with any documentation relating to its operation. Finally, Black’s letter stated that since the parents had already made a good faith effort to follow the school’s normal withdrawal procedure, they were under no obligation to take any other action in this regard.
This is an example of how threatening legal problems can arise even in a state with a good homeschool law.