It has been almost three weeks that the Lord called Dave home to himself and I have been thinking of the things I appreciated about Dave. I worked part time for The Berean Call in the shipping department for several years. Many around the world know Dave for his excellent knowledge of the Bible and his love for the truth and desire to teach both the believers and non believers the true Word of God. We all have many, many memories and have gleaned much from his study. Sometimes those who have known someone from "the inside" see things that others do not. I came to appreciate Dave early on because in spite of his great Biblical knowledge and ability to defend the Word of God in a time when much was being compromised and many things had to be addressed as being unscriptural, he was always gracious and loving and kind to those he worked with. He was so appreciative of any little thing you did for him, not at all arrogant or giving the impression he was someone important though he traveled to many places and the Lord used him mightily. He was raised in a time and a way that he knew how to be a gentleman. I remember one time I simply helped him by getting him some paper clips to organize his papers that he was working on. I thought nothing of it, but he started to leave the building, then came all the way back to the shipping department to thank me for my help! I also got to see a man who was passionate about giving his life and time to teach what God had put on his heart, because he knew his life was not his own. I once took a small gift to his and Ruth's home of something that I wanted to share in the way of a food item that I knew they would enjoy. Again he was always a gentleman, so appreciative to say "thank you" though I thought it to be a small thing. I remember he looked tired as he had been spending a lot of time working on a book and I mentioned that perhaps he should take a break and get some rest. His reply made a lasting impression on me. He said "I will rest when I get to Heaven". He was so compelled to use the time he had to be committed to what the Lord had called him to do. What a lesson to me to not seek my own pleasures and fulfillments in the time I have, but to remember that each day is a gift and that we are bought with a price, we are not our own. Touching souls and doing the Lord's will should be our driving force as it was his. He once said that he was not thankful enough each day for what the Lord had done for Him. I was surprised at that as I saw a man who dedicated his whole life for the Lord. But I also saw a humble man who realized that he did not deserve redemption and was so thankful for it. I also saw a father and grandfather, who like all of us who have burdens for our children and grandchildren to know Jesus more than anything. On one occasion, upon my asking about his family, he stopped at the counter, leaned on his arms and shared a burden he had for someone. He was also a real person, admitting his faults, and joking with us. He was always interested in what was going on in someone else's life, and was easy to talk to. I believe many people will think of 2 Timothy:4:7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
See All...,8 when we think of Dave: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge shall give at that day; and not to me only, but to all them also that love His appearing."