In recent years, touted evidences of evolution have been shown to be fakes. Examples include Haeckel’s drawings of embryonic development and Kettlewell’s photos of peppered moths. On a personal note, my wife’s grandmother was a teacher for many years. We have many of her books, including a textbook with a substantial segment on the missing link Piltdown man. Hence, it can only be embarrassing when "big guns" like the late Isaac Asimov have used now discredited evidences as pillars to support evolution.
Consider his appeal to the "peppered moth evidence" as proof positive of evidence.
"One of the arguments of the creationists is that no one has ever seen the faces of evolution at work. That would seem the most nearly irrefutable of their arguments, and yet it, too, is wrong.
"In fact, if any confirmation of Darwinism were needed, it has turned up in examples of natural selection that have taken place before our eyes (now that we know what to watch for). A notable example occurred in Darwin's native land.
"In England, it seems, the peppered moth exists in two varieties, a light and a dark . . . " -- (Isaac Asimov, "Asimov's New Guide to Science,"1984, p. 780).