Far from being a religion of tolerance, Islam has rigid requirements of its adherents as a recently release fatwa (decree) in Indonesia shows.
Jakarta Post, 30/7/2005
The 11 fatwas issued by MUI
1. Religious teachings influenced by pluralism, liberalism and secularism are against Islam. The fatwa states that Muslims must consider their religion to be the true one religion, and to consider other faiths as wrong.
2. Ahmadiyah, an Islamic group that does not recognize Muhammad as the last prophet, is a heretical sect, and its followers are murtad (apostate).
3. Mixed marriages between people of different faiths are haram (forbidden under Islamic law).
4. Women are forbidden from leading prayers when men are present in the congregation. Women are only allowed to lead prayers in an all-female assemblage.
5. Joint prayers performed with people of other faiths are not recognized in Islam. Saying "Amen" to prayers led by a non-Muslim is haram.
6. Islamic law on inheritance is not applicable for non-Muslim family members.
7. Islam recognizes capital punishment for serious criminal offenses and the state can apply such punishments in the judiciary system.
8. Engaging, believing and practicing in shamanism and fortunetelling are forbidden. The publication and dissemination of these practices, such as through television shows, are also considered haram.
9. Determining goodness for the public under sharia must not violate Islamic texts, and the only institutions that have the right to determine such goodness are those possessing sharia competence.
10. Any violation of intellectual property rights (HKI) is haram. HKIs that are protected under Islamic law are those that do not go against sharia.
11. The government cannot revoke the ownership of a person's personal property arbitrarily or by coercion.