[Urgent prayer request: The African nation Eritrea is a former Italian colony adjacent to Ethiopia. Although a constitution clearly lays out freedom of religion, the socialist influenced government allows no dissent, controls the media, and has an ongoing record of intense persecution of Christians.]
Eritrean Government Imprisons 150 Christians for Praying Together
Eritrean security forces raided a prayer meeting and arrested 150 Christians found praying together in Maitemenai, a suburb to the north of Asmara, International Christian Concern reports. It is thought that the believers had gathered to pray about the escalating refugee crisis and the trouble in the country that has been of concern to many Eritreans in recent days. The gathering is said to have been under the auspices of an underground fellowship known as Hiyaw Amlak (Living God), part of a wide network of underground fellowships that have been in operation throughout Eritrea since 2002, when the government shut all churches not belonging to the officially sanctioned religious groups. Although no whereabouts of all the prisoners have been officially disclosed, friends and family of the detained believe at least some of them are held at a police station in the adjoining district from where the raid and arrests occurred.