Quotable | thebereancall.org

Coates, C. A.

The great defect of modern Christianity is that there is so little affection for Christ. Many hear what is called a clear gospel, and trusting the Person and work of Christ they get the assurance of the Scriptures that they will never perish, and this seems to satisfy them and they settle down upon it and go to sleep. There is not the earnest longing after Himself, the watching daily at His gates. Did it ever occur to you that Christ values your affections? You belong to Him; you are the object of His love; you are His own. Your heart is Christ’s property. Is it His dwelling place? Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors (Prv 8:34).

—C. A. Coates, Milk & Honey, May 1999

A. W. Tozer once said, “The great of the kingdom have been those who loved God more than others did....” Too often our love for Jesus is sadly impersonal. We believe in His Person, we worship His Person, but we relate to Him far too impersonally....He forsook heaven’s throne to become the incarnate Son of Man, to die for us, to redeem us for Himself and make us the special eternal object of His love...to make us collectively His bride and personally His beloved.....Let’s confess how cool and casual we too often have been in our expression of love to Him....We need the Spirit’s help to love Jesus as we should....

When Hudson Taylor was once asked what was the greatest incentive to missionary work, he instantly replied, “Love of Christ.” William Booth’s passion for helping the underprivileged, the derelicts of society, and for world evangelization was built upon his passion for Christ....Lord, give us this passion whatever the cost!

—Wesley L. Duewel, Ablaze for God