In these days when conflicting religious voices are heard like a Babel speaking in so many different tongues, the corporate recovery of Christendom is hopeless.
—Lehman Strauss
If there be no way to find Christ than by leaving the Laodicean church, then the sooner it be left the better.
—G. Campbell Morgan
....I don’t care what...Plato thought about [redemption], Jesus Christ is the One who saves me....He’s the One who transforms me. He’s the One who stands with bleeding hands pleading for me. He’s the One who shall speak and raise me from the dead....So I don’t care what...they say in New York University or Columbia....The man who is a Christian...says, “Did Jesus Christ say that? Then I’m going to obey it.” And all this he acts upon and lives by in his total life.
—A. W. Tozer, “The Marks of a Christian”