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Fuller Seminary profs support gay couples and affirm heterosexual marriage in classroom and IVP book [Excerpts]
Is it possible for a Christian to affirm monogamous heterosexual marriage as the biblical pattern and simultaneously argue that a monogamous, gay union is "authentic sexuality?"
Fuller Theological Seminary professors Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick by their teaching and writing at least insinuate that it is possible.
The husband and wife tandem teaches courses in gender and sexuality at Fuller and offer their view of these issues in a book published by InterVarsity Press (IVP) entitled Authentic Sexuality: An Integrated Christian Approach. The work was published in 1999.
[O]ne Fuller student named Kim took the Baswicks' class and heard the couple affirm that homosexuality is sinful, but also "go out of their way to defend and show understanding toward those who want to go on living a homosexual lifestyle." Kim [said] that the Balswicks often provided practicing homosexuals with a platform in various classes.
"One guest lecturer derided heterosexism as a social construct rather than a historical or biblical norm" [World Magazine] reported.
"Using the story of the prodigal son, he likened the older brother to heterosexual Christians in their unjust treatment of homosexuals, whom he likened to the younger brother. The guest told students, however, that 'I don't do theological debate;' no feedback or discussion was permitted."
"We acknowledge that some gay Christians may choose to commit themselves to a lifelong, monogamous, homosexual union, believing that it is God's best for them," the authors write. "They believe that this reflects an authentic sexuality that is congruent for them and their view of Scripture. Even though we hold to the model of a heterosexual, lifelong, monogamous union, our compassion brings us to support all persons as they move in the direction of God's ideal for their lives."
[TBC: When one willfully ignores the plain teaching of the Scriptures, one's concept of "God's best" will always fall short of the truth.]