Hamas leaders have urged their followers to use their cars and knives to spill as much Jewish blood as possible. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to stop Jews from visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the holiest site in Judaism as well as the location of the Islamic Al Aqsa complex, by using “all means” necessary.
The calls for violence by top Palestinian authorities have been enthusiastically answered by thugs in the streets. Six Israelis have been killed in terror attacks in the last thirty days – not by rockets this time, but by cars and knives wielded as murder weapons against Israeli soldiers and civilians alike, including women and children.
On October 22nd, a member of Hamas rammed his car into pedestrians in Jerusalem, killing a three-month-old girl. [A week prior to this], a Palestinian Jerusalem resident also turned his vehicle into a killing machine. An Israeli was killed and 13 others wounded when he aimed his vehicle at a group of people waiting at a light rail station. On the same day, yet another Palestinian ran into and wounded three Israeli soldiers near Jerusalem.
Leaders of Abbas’s party, Fatah, and of Hamas, Abbas’s partners in the so-called Palestinian “unity” government, shrugged their shoulders and said the attacks were perfectly “natural” or “normal” responses to Israeli policies. Indeed, they regard the killers as heroes.
As Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor said to reporters at UN headquarters in New York on November 10th: A person doesn’t just wake up one day and decide to stab someone or ram his car into a crowd of people. These attacks are the results of years of anti-Israel indoctrination and the glorification of so-called martyrs. The incitement is everywhere. In schools, mosques and media, the Palestinian Authority is glorifying terrorists and celebrating attacks on Jews and Israelis.
Palestinians flocking to social media celebrated what they are calling the “Car Intifada.” A video of a new song with that catchy title, for example, appears on the MoslimMan.Rok Facebook page. It has become a hit that has Palestinians happily singing along to lyrics such as “Run over the two-month-old baby – that is how we get them.”
As reported by Palestinian Media Watch, another song popular on Palestinian social media included the words: Run [them] over, destroy, annihilate, blow them up; Don’t let the Zionist live long… Today, the entire people demands a hero willing to fight with weapons. He began fighting with a car, running them over like rabbits.
Palestinian Media Watch also reported on a cartoon appearing on one of Fatah’s official Facebook pages (“Fatah-The Main Page”), which carried the label “the run over organization” and urged people to “Hit the gas at 199 [km/h] for Al-Aqsa.” On another Facebook page, “The National Liberation Movement – Fatah,” a cartoon is posted showing a car going after three fleeing stereotyped Jews wearing hats with the Star of David.
The car may be the Palestinians’ murder weapon of choice these days, but anything they can use to kill Jews, including women and children, will suffice. After all, they are just following the directions of their leaders. One of Hamas’s leaders said just last week, during a television interview, that even a Palestinian “who owns nothing but his faith has a kitchen in his house in which he has a knife.” It is his duty to “grab his knife and confront the Zionist enemy.”
Is it any surprise that in separate knifing incidents on November 10th, an Israeli soldier and a woman were stabbed to death by Palestinians practicing their “faith”? The soldier was killed in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian illegally there to look for work. The woman was killed at a traffic circle in the West Bank after the Palestinian murderer had tried and failed to run over people waiting at a bus station.