Florida City Council Meeting Opens with Invocation to Satan & Allah – Mayor and Commissioners Walk Out [Excerpts]
More and more we are seeing an opening in America to paganism, false religions and open Satanism. The strange invocation that came from the Lake Worth, Florida City Commission meeting [in December last year] exemplifies this, only it was apparently an anti-theist that gave the invocation.
Miami anti-theist Preston Smith stood and gave [the] invocation, if you can even call it that as several of the commissioners and the mayor got up and walked out before he gave the invocation.
Lake Worth Mayor Pam Triolo and three other commissioners exited the area, but later returned for the Pledge of Allegiance.
He believes that we "can create a better, more equal community without religious divisions."
Of course, we all know that is not what he wants. He simply wants people not to speak about God and morality. Though he mentions Satan, Allah, Buddha, Zeus, and even Jesus, it all comes down to the fact that he openly states that he wants people to "do good for goodness sake" and he doesn't want to hear about damnation or judgment.
The problem for Mr. Smith is that he has no authority outside of himself to determine what is good. Second, by his own logic, he has no means to impose his view of goodness upon anyone else.
He mocked true prayer by calling on the remaining members and others in attendance to "pray."...."Mother Earth, we gather today in your redeeming and glorious presence to invoke your eternal guidance in the universe, the original creator of all things" Smith began.
[He continued] "May the efforts of this council blend the blessings of Allah with the all-knowing wisdom of Satan," he continued. "May Zeus, the great god of justice grant us strength tonight. Jesus might forgive our short comings while Buddha enlightens us through his divine affection." He went on to praise Krishna and mockingly took the words from the apostle Paul in Romans:8:31What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
See All... and applied them to Thor.
Finally, he thanked the atheists, agnostics and humanists (all anti-theists) for logic, reason and science, not knowing that Jesus is the logic (logos) and that there is no reason or true science apart from the Creator. He also threw in that these people allegedly count for 1 in 5 Americans, which has yet to be proven. It's similar to those claims about the sodomite community that have been refuted.
Mayor Triolo said, "I didn't leave because Mr. Smith is an atheist, I left because of his alleged tweet." Trilio believed that Smith would mock Scripture as he did in his Tweet, which he did as you can hear for yourself. His "prayer" was not only mockery, but blasphemy.
Triolo added, "Free speech works both ways. You can say what you want and I can choose to leave."