Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt
Ever since the Muslim conquest of the Middle East in the seventh century, Jews have suffered in Muslim lands from inhumane treatment and periodic bursts of deadly violence. Take only one country, Morocco, as an example of what occurred everywhere under Islam. Jews were forced to live in ghettos called "mellahs." One historian writes that incidents of rape, looting, burning of synagogues, destruction of Torah scrolls, and murder were "so frequent that it is impossible to list them." In AD 1032, in Fez, about six thousand Jews were murdered and many more "robbed of their women and property."
In 1066, after Islam took over Spain, the Jews of Granada were massacred. That fate periodically overtook those who would not submit to Allah, even though Islam promises Jews and Christians (described in the Qur'an as "people of the book") protection as "dhimmis" (fifth-class citizens subject to heavy taxation and cultural humiliation. The dhimmis were not to be killed, but often their lives were so unbearable, living under "protection" of Muslims, that death would have been preferable. In the early seventeenth century, Christian visitors to "Palestine" declared: "Life here is the poorest and most miserable that one can imagine...[as dhimmis, the Jews] pay for the very air they breathe." Yet many thousands of Jews, though periodically wiped out by pogroms, or driven out, managed in desperation somehow to cling to the land God had given them, in Hebron as elsewhere.