Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations" by Dave Hunt

The problems in the Middle East all center upon a dispute over the land that was promised to Abraham and to his heirs. On that promise, Jews, Muslims, and Christians basically agree. The dispute concerns the identity of Abraham's heirs who were to inherit the Promised Land....

When reading the Bible, one is immediately impressed with the fact that this is not the fiction of the Bhagadva Gita, Hindu Vedas, Qur'an, or Book of Mormon. The Bible presents both history and prophecy concerning real people, real places, and verifiable events that actually happened on this earth....

The numerous prophecies found in the Bible (in contrast to the scriptures of the world's religions, which contain none) prove beyond question that there is one almighty God, infinite in knowledge, wisdom, love, and holiness, who created the universe, and that the Bible is His infallible Word to mankind. Therefore, no matter what any other book says (whether religious or scientific), if it contradicts the Bible, it is wrong.