Ironclad Evidence |

TBC Staff - EN


"For in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it" (Exodus:20:11).

While evolutionists can't explain how life originated, they have proposed theories of how inorganic matter became biological molecules. Each of these theories requires the assumption that the Earth had no oxygen in its atmosphere when life first began. Oxygen would destroy the chemistry they propose.

However, Neil Phillips, an Australian geologist, has discovered iron oxide in South Africa. The iron oxide was discovered in rock layers that are dated to a time long before the first appearance of life, according to evolutionary theory. The form of iron oxide he found, pisoliths, are only known to form in the presence of oxygen. Based on his study, Phillips has concluded that the Earth has had enough oxygen in its atmosphere to react with geological features since the beginning of geological history. That's enough oxygen to destroy any of the products of the chemistry evolutionists have proposed for the origin of life.

Part of the scientific power of any model of origins is its ability to predict what kind of evidence to look for. The creation model says that there was air-breathing life within the first week that Earth's geology existed. The discovery of iron oxide in the most ancient rocks is no surprise to those who accept creation.