Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
The accusation has been widely publicized and believed that the Israelis drove nearly a million Arabs out of Palestine during the 1948 war. This is the foundation for the demands that the “Palestinians” make for the right of return to their former villages. There were some instances where Arab civilians who were sheltering, helping, or hiding attacking Arab soldiers were forced to leave. But most of the Arabs who fled did so in spite of Israeli promises of safety and pleas to stay – and without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. Many left before Israel declared its independence and the war had really begun.
It was the Arab military that warned Arab civilians to “get out” and declared that those who remained would be considered traitors to the Arab cause. Nevertheless, they are the only “refugees” in the Middle East, as far as the world is concerned, and to whom all sympathy is given. No thought is given to the Jewish refugees who, in far larger numbers, were either expelled or managed to flee to Muslim countries in 1948. [October 16]