Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
The Western World, oblivious to the seriousness of the challenge it faces, must awaken. To allow Muslims freedoms in the West that are denied to Westerners and even to their own citizens in Muslim nations is to encourage Islam in its goal of world domination. Avoiding offending the world at all cost is not the road to peace but to eventual subjugation…
Within Saudi Arabia, “the practice of any religion besides Islam is as strictly prohibited now as it was in Muhammad’s lifetime. While the Saudis continue to build mosques all over the world, thousands of Christians among the hundreds of thousands of foreign workers [in Saudi Arabia] from India, Europe, America, and the Philippines must worship in secret if at all. They are arrested, lashed, or deported for public display of their beliefs” (Serge Trifkovic, “The Sword of the Prophet,” p. 242).