Choice Gleanings - January 7 |


January 7 - Choice Gleanings

DAILY READINGS: Gen:8:20 to 9:29; Job 11-12; Matt:6:1-18

Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. John:20:20

History’s most exciting day began when Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb of Jesus. To her astonishment, Caesar’s seal was broken and the huge, flat, circular stone was rolled away. The tomb was empty! At the close of the day, the disciples had securely shut the doors to the upper room. Then it happened! The risen Lord mysteriously appeared saying, “Peace be unto you” (John:20:21). That’s what they needed. Peace—spiritual, emotional and physical! If they were excited at the empty tomb, how much more will we be at the sight of His nail scarred hands. With joy we await the moment when we, too, shall see Him. —Arnot P. McIntee

O happy day of cloudless light! Eternal day without a night;

Lord, then shall we its dawning see, and spend it all in praising Thee. —J. G. Deck

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