Choice Gleanings - April 16 |


 April 16 - Choice Gleanings

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus:23:23-44; Psalms 135-136; Mark:9:14 -32

…Having a desire to depart and to be with Christ; which is far better. Philippians:1:23

The words "dying" and "death" trouble many people. They are stark and their subject is harsh. Paul saw his end as a departure. He meant leaving where he was (this world) and going to be where he wanted to be (with Christ). To leave a life filled with trials and tribulations and arrive on heaven’s shore to see our Saviour. What anticipation! What joy! Are you looking forward to your departure to a far better place?

—Bob Cretney

In life's eventide, at twilight,

At His door I'll knock and wait;

By the precious love of Jesus,

I shall enter heaven's gate. —Elsie Ahlwen

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