Choice Gleanings - May 21 |


May 21 - Choice Gleanings

 DAILY READINGS: Numbers 34 to 35:8; Proverbs 30; Luke:5:1-16

…When I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. Acts:24:25

An article in a Scottish newspaper reported that the average Briton spends more than 3 years of their lives putting off essential tasks by delaying tactics and avoiding important decisions and actions. Perhaps there is something that is calling for your action—some deed of kindness to show, somebody to visit, some communication to make, some apology to offer, some word of encouragement. Don’t delay! Do it today. —Brian Powlesland

 Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love,

Tell of His power to forgive;

Others will trust Him if only you prove true,

Every moment you live.

—Ira B. Wilson

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