Choice Gleanings - June 3 |


June 3 - Choice Gleanings

DAILY READINGS: Deut. 14:22-15:23; Song of Sol. 5:2-6:9; Luke:10:25-42

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. 1 Peter:3:7

How should a Christian husband love his wife? "Dwell with them". A husband enjoys spending time with his wife. "According to knowledge”. He has meaningful communication with her. "Giving honour unto the wife". He respects his wife’s strengths as well as her weaknesses. “That your prayers be not hindered." He prays with his wife. Dwelling with her, speaking with her, respecting her, and praying with her. Let us love our wives as Christ loved the Church. —Sid Halsband

In purest love their souls unite, that they with Christ-like care;

May make each other’s burden light, by taking mutual share. 

—J. Berridge

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