Nuggets from “Judgment Day: Islam, Israel, and the Nations” by Dave Hunt
If one denies that the God of the Bible exists—the One who has proved Himself with hundreds of prophecies fulfilled—then indeed there is no hope. If the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not the true God, we are left without purpose or meaning to life. To deny that God chose a man named Abraham through whom He would bring mankind back to Himself; to deny the true history of this chosen people and the land given to them, to which the Messiah came as prophesied and to which He will return to rule the world; to deny the hundreds of prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ alone—is to deny the only hope for mankind.
The choice is open to all—but it must be a free choice. The true God does not coerce anyone. The purpose of this volume is simply to present the facts so that the reader will have an intelligent basis for making a vital choice for eternity.