Choice Gleanings |


DAILY READINGS: Ruth 1; Isaiah 41; 2 Corinthians 1 

...who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame... Hebrews:12:2

What was the joy set before Him? Providing salvation for millions of lost men and women. Purchasing for Himself a Bride. These are reasons we cannot grasp. What was the shame He despised? In His in nite humility, He despised the shame of hanging on a cross and being made sin for us. How awesome, incredible and marvellous! His love should make us fall before Him and give Him the glory that is His due.

—Vernon Markle

To us Thy cross is life and health; 'twas shame and death to Thee: Our present glory, joy, and wealth, our everlasting stay.

—Thomas Kelly