August 13
DAILY READINGS: 1 Samuel:19:8 to 20:42; Isaiah 60; Romans:5:12-21
...I being in the way, the Lord led me... Genesis:24:27
A street name in the French town of Travaillan when translated into English means, “The way of the Plan of God”. Are you a believer seeking a way forward in your life? Firstly, there is a need to recognise that God has a plan for your life. Then you need to establish what that plan is. Seek His guidance; read and reflect on His Word; be sensitive to circumstances and interventions in your life. Then you can come to know His plan and purpose for you.—Brian Powlesland
Have faith in God, the sun will shine,
Though dark the cloud may be today,
His heart hath planned your path and mine:
Have faith in God, have faith alway.
—May Agnew Stevens