October 17
DAILY READINGS: 2 Kings 19; Jeremiah 52; 1 Timothy 3
Who knew no sin... 2 Corinthians:5:21
Who did no sin... 1 Peter:2:22
In him is no sin... 1 John:3:5
Paul, the intellectual, writes much about the mind. He asserts the holiness of the mind of Christ—"Who knew no sin". Peter, the man of action, writes about Christian living, the example being the holy life of our Saviour, "Who did no sin". John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, had heard His heart beat and declared "In him is no sin." That present tense confirms the eternal sinlessness of the Man in the glory. Thus He is fully qualified to be our "advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John:2:1). —Dan Coulson
Because the sinless Saviour died, my sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied, to look on Him and pardon me. —C. Bancroft
Posted with permission from gospelfolio.com.