November 7
DAILY READINGS: 1 Chron. 22-23; Ezekiel:20:45-21:32; John:7:31-8:11
It is vain for you the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. Psalm:127:2
We spend one-third of our lives asleep. Why did God create us to need sleep when He never slumbers? Perhaps our verse gives one reason. Sleep is a gift to His beloved, a gift we can dismiss, however, if we are consumed with anxiety and overwork. So each night we are reminded that God is awake because He is in control. I need to sleep for I am not indispensible. God is pleased with our peaceful trust that fears Him and hopes in His steadfast love. —Marilyn MacMullen
Sorrow and care may meet, the tempest cloud may low’r,
The surge of sin may beat, upon earth’s troubled shore;
God doth His own in safety keep, He giveth His belovèd sleep.
—J. C. Tildesley
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