Out of mankind's league | thebereancall.org

Out of mankind’s league

Make no mistake about it: There is no human being who is alive or ever was alive or ever will be alive who is smart enough to know where, when, or how the Universe came to be. Oh, there is no doubt that one or several may conjure up a hypothesis or two as an explanation. But after all is said and done, what one is left with is futile thoughts and specious ideas drenched in misplaced hubris and aggressive arrogance. The inescapable fact is this - Mankind is out of its league on this issue.

The simple Truth is -- "in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth."

Observational science can give us wireless internet, GPS, and show us how salt can be made from chloride and sodium. But the fact is - fallible human scientific endeavors can’t make the observations necessary to give absolute, True answers to the questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is life? and Where are we going?

These questions can ONLY be answered definitively from the revelations found in the infallible Judeo-Christian Scriptures.
