Abortion and the mother's mental health | thebereancall.org

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Abortion and the Mother’s Mental Health

"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward" (Psalm:127:3).

Over the past several years, scientific studies of women have shown that those who have had abortions increase their risks of infertility, breast cancer and other problems. Now, a study released by the Population Research Institute reveals a whole new category of risks associated with abortion.

The researchers learned that among girls from 15 to 18, pregnant or not, for those who have had an abortion, the chance of major depression rises from 31 percent to 78 percent. The same pattern appeared for anxiety, where, for young girls who had had an abortion, the likelihood of anxiety neuroses was doubled. The pattern also showed a doubled rate of thoughts of suicide for girls who had had an abortion as compared with those who became pregnant but had not had an abortion. A similar study of women in New Zealand had the same results. Two studies by the Elliot Institute showed that women who had an abortion were three times as likely as those who had not to be plagued with anxiety and to abuse drugs.

These studies show scientifically that it is time to stop accepting the mental health of the mother as justification for abortion. Researchers find that abortion causes mental health problems; it does not prevent them. More than this, of course, abortion is contrary to God's will because it takes a life.
