Nuggets from Seeking and Finding God—The Conversion of Gentiles Foretold |

Dave Hunt

Furthermore, that millions of non-Jews all over the world become believers in the God of Israel, and that this would happen through their faith in the very Messiah whom the Jews would reject, was prophesied repeatedly by Hebrew prophets throughout the Old Testament (Genesis:12:3; Psalm:22:27; Isaiah:52:10; Malachi:1:11, etc.). The rabbis and even Christ’s disciples did not recognize these prophecies, not because the language was unclear, but because they were blinded by unbelief. That the conversion of hundreds of millions of Gentiles has happened in spite of the unbelief of the Jewish nation in their messiah is one of the most remarkable developments in history. Today, there are about two billion people who, though they are not all true Christians according to the standards Jesus set, claim to believe in Him and, through Him, to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Paul was not the inventor of Christianity, as some have claimed, nor even was Jesus. Christianity is the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies. Not only that there would be multitudes of Gentile believers, but also the specifics of the doctrines of salvation were laid out clearly in the Old Testament. Christ himself pointed to these prophecies, and Paul made them the basis of the gospel he preached (1 Corinthians:15:1-4, etc.). This is absolutely unique. There is no comparable verification for any of the doctrines of any of the world’s religions.