Nuggets from Countdown to the Second Coming—The Revived Roman Empire (Part 4) |

Dave Hunt

How near to the end of time are we living today? Is it even possible to tell? Unfortunately, there have always been enthusiasts who were convinced that they knew exactly when the end would come, and who were able to persuade a multitude of followers to sell or give away their possessions and perch in trees or stand on hilltops to await the Second Coming. Apocalyptic theories flourish at the turn of every century, and especially at the end of a millennium, as they did again toward the end of the 1990s. Y2K alarmists (most of whom never apologized) made fortunes, while costing their followers millions—losses from which many, including trusting Christians, may never recover.

The simple fact that Antichrist must have computers to control the world should have been enough to prevent any Bible-literate Christian from being caught up in Y2K’s mass hysteria. How could a global computer crash lead to a cashless society when such a society obviously needs computers to exist? How could an international banking collapse create the thriving business conditions that Christ foretold for the time of His “glorious appearing” (Titus:2:13) to His bride (Matthew:24:36-44; Luke:17:22-37)? Asking such questions will keep us from falling prey to the new hysterics that appear from time to time. Our focus must be upon our Lord and His Word.