Presumably, if Christ had only understood and practiced the “principles of success” now being taught in the church, the New Testament would have had a different story to tell. Had He only taken a Dale Carnegie course in “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Jesus could have won the rabbis and Romans over to His side and wouldn’t have been crucified. Instead of making enemies by His negative pronouncements, His goals could all have been worked out peacefully by the principles of Positive Thinking. But then, of course, there would be no salvation—nor could the manmade “paradise” fulfill its promises.
If a witch doctor came dancing down the aisle with his paint, feathers, fetishes, and rattles, most evangelical churches would have enough discernment to attempt to convert him—and if that didn’t happen, to put him out. But the same witch doctor, minus the outward adornments of his occultism, dressed in a clerical collar or business suit, with a Ph.D. in psychology and teaching “success principles” allegedly from the Bible, would be welcomed and listened to intently.
Anthropologist Michael Harner, one of the world’s leading authorities on shamanism (a modern word for witchcraft), lists the new names under which the basic elements of ancient witchcraft are now widely accepted in today’s world and church: visualization, hypnosis, psychological counseling, Positive Thinking, Positive Speaking (Confession), and Eastern meditation techniques. These methodologies form the foundation of New Age thinking and success techniques rampant in the business world and embraced within the church. We are seeing Satan’s preparation for the ultimate delusion fulfilled in our day before our very eyes!