Nuggets from Occult Invasion—A Counterfeit Broad-Mindedness |

Dave Hunt

The denial of right and wrong carries the logical consequence that every opinion must be equally valid. This folly masquerades as broad-mindedness but is in fact the worst kind of narrow-mindedness because it effectively eliminates all other points of view. It is exemplified in the person who purports to agree with everyone and insists that even the widest differences are only a matter of “semantics.” Ironically, such professed tolerance of other viewpoints actually destroys them—not by a frontal assault, but by the impolite refusal to take them seriously. An antagonist who disagrees and is willing to discuss the issues is worthy of more respect than the one who, in his broad-minded desire to embrace everything and reject nothing, denies the very real distinctions between opposing views.

To many people such an “everybody wins” attitude is the only way to go, and it has come into the public schools to the detriment of our students. But if “loser” is to be dropped from our vocabulary, then “winner” must go as well. Frustrated with programs put forth by the psychology profession to solve social problems, programs which hold no one accountable for being wrong, T. H. Fitzgerald wrote in an AHP Perspective article:

“The sense I still get around AHP [Association for Humanistic Psychology] is…that everybody is somehow right “from their perspective” because there can be no ultimate arbiter. Dennis Jaffe writes…about the Search for Excellence, but if there is to be Excellence, must there not also be Non-Excellence, and what do we say when we meet it on the road…?

“Even the language for the discussion of moral issues has been corrupted by psychological cant and the vocabulary of positivist scientism.”

One of the most common examples of this absolute intolerance that poses as total tolerance is found in the well-known aphorism, most often used in reference to religion, “We’re all taking different roads to get to the same place.” While that declaration sounds broad-minded to a fault, it clearly represents the ultimate in narrow-mindedness. Although “difference roads” are generously tolerated, they are not allowed to lead to different places, for everyone, no matter what road they take, must go to the same place.

So this seemingly broad-minded idea of “all taking different roads” allows for only one destination. In fact, the Bible, in true broad-mindedness, says there are two destinations—heaven and hell—and no one is forced to go to either. The choice is up to each individual. However, for those who want to reach heaven, there is only one way: through Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection in payment of the penalty that His own infinite justice demanded for sin.