To reject Christ is every person’s right, but it is intellectual dishonesty of the worst sort to insist that His teachings are perfectly compatible with Hindu-Buddhist pantheistic philosophies. This must be so, concludes one writer, because “all the New Agers I’ve met love Jesus and Buddha and Krishna and anyone, regardless of race or language or religious preference….”
That an unprincipled “love” (which is too weak to bring correction to those whom it loves) somehow renders the question of truth and right and wrong and sound theology irrelevant is a basic fallacy. In fact, genuine love corrects those perceived to be in serious and life-threatening error.
The occult invasion of Western society is a direct consequence of the “scientific” erosion of belief in the transcendent nature of God. Millions in the Western world now practice Transcendental Meditation. The very title Transcendental is a fraud. TM is pantheistic and thus denies a transcendent God. It leads one deep within to find the “true self.” Our society has become obsessed with self, a self which it is determined to elevate to godhood.