Nor should we overlook, much less condone, today’s rampant prejudice against Christianity. Biblical faith has become taboo in American society, while anything else, including witchcraft and voodoo, is accepted without question. A great hue and cry is being raised across the country to prohibit any public display of crosses or manger scenes. At the same time, totem poles are immune from comparable criticism or objections. Even the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) has given its approval to a revival of witchcraft under the popular euphemism of “traditional medicine” or “native cures.”
Whatever is native or “indigenous” is indiscriminately praised, and woe to those who have the temerity to point out any flaws in native cultures or religions. We must all emulate what the natives of Africa or of a South Pacific island or our own native American Indians believe and practice! Such is the propaganda line which is promoted in the media and goes virtually unchallenged.
On Sunday evening, November 17, 1996, the popular A&E channel aired “America’s Mysterious Places.” It presented witchcraft in Salem and early New England along with voodoo in New Orleans as benign. Spokespersons for voodoo said, “We are descendants of those slaves carried here from Africa who brought voodoo with them.” The purpose was explained as simply serving the spirits and worshiping the gods and goddesses. Not a word about the curses with terrify the populace where voodoo is practiced. The program showed favorable depictions of the serpent god. A voodoo priestess explained that she was the equivalent of a Catholic priest or a Jewish rabbi. Such erroneous statements left viewers misinformed—duped, in fact.
Pagan religions are even being introduced into public schools in the United States in spite of the prohibition on school prayer or any favorable reference to Christianity. Of course these religions are classified as “culture,” which is simply a deceit. The same is true in community programs. Consider, for example, Carolee Nishi, “the creator and volunteer director of a unique after-school program sponsored by the YMCA of Honolulu that teaches Hawaiian Studies to children ages 4-14.” The word “religion” is not to be found in the full-page promotional piece about Nishi in United Airlines’ Hemispheres magazine. Instead, it is said that she teaches “hula dancing…Hawaiian history and culture.” Occultism escapes mention.
Even the United States government promotes native American spirituality in spite of the “separation of church and state” which is enforced so strictly against anything Christian. The National Park Service has promoted Indian animist/spiritist religion—including the worship of nature spirits—while blaming the Bible for the destruction of the West! For example, Gary Hathaway, Acting Superintendent of Lava Beds National Monument, in an official newsletter which was handed out to park visitors in 1993, stated:
“Native Americans had a spiritual tie to their land…. [White men] used the resources for their own commercial gain, and the timeless spirituality of the land was disrupted…. Their spiritual viewpoint, recorded in Genesis, called for them to dominate the land and subdue it…vast areas of the West were destroyed.
“Today the spirituality of the land at Lava Beds is undergoing an awakening…throughout the monument the presence of spirits can be felt…you can [even] see them when they choose to appear in their visible forms….
“Enter the medicine circle reverently, as you would enter your own church. Let the spirits of the winds, the rocks, and the animals speak to you….”